Really simple template

This package comes with an optional template based on Lee Munroe’s Really Simple Responsive HTML Email Template that makes it easy to get started with sending HTML emails that look nice.

For an example of this template in use, see Your first email.

Base template

Emails can use the base template by extending emailpal/really_simple/base.html.

Variables used

This template has no special variables aside from the ones you include in your context and the ones defined by emailpal.SendableEmail.

Blocks defined

These can be overridden by templates that inherit from the base. Unless otherwise stated, all blocks default to empty content.

The content for the email.
The contents of a <span> with a class of preheader, which some email clients will show as a preview.
The HTML title of the email (not the subject line).
The footer of the email.

Call-to-action (CTA)

CTAs can be included via the emailpal/really_simple/cta.html template.

Here’s an example of using the CTA with Django templates:

{% include "emailpal/really_simple/cta.html" with action="view the site" url="" %}

And here’s the equivalent in Jinja2:

{% with action="view the site", url="" %}
  {% include "emailpal/really_simple/cta.html" %}
{% endwith %}

In the HTML version of the email, the above snippet will appear as a large button with the text “View The Site” on it; clicking the button will take the user to

In the plaintext version of the email, the snippet will appear like this:

To view the site, visit:

Variables required

The human-readable name of the action the reader is being asked to take, e.g. "view the website".
The URL the user should visit to take the action.